Shipping Policy




Usually your order will arrive in 2-3 weeks for US orders and 4-6+ weeks for international, but USPS has been seeing delays in deliveries because of Covid-19. If you haven't received your order within the timeframe listed above, feel free to email me with your order number to and I will see what I can do!


I am based in Lowell, Ohio, in the United States.

I can offer Local Delivery in the following Areas: Lowell, Devola, Marietta, and Reno in Ohio and Williamstown, Parkersburg in West Virginia. 


For damaged mail please email me upon receiving your package within 24 hours to show me pictures and such of both the box, envelope, mailer the product/s arrived in along with the product/s so I can deduct from there and see what I can do. 

Please do not email me after a week to a year saying something is damaged as I will not replace it just because of daily and improper use. 

For missing mail: Once the product is sent, what happens to it is fully out of our control and in the hands of the USPS/postal services. There will be no refund/replacement sent for lost mail unless it is at the fault of us (such as we wrote an incorrect address) OR there was insurance on your package. 

If your mail getting lost is a concern, your best course of action is to choose the highest cost shipping method offered to you-which will insure there is insurance on your mail. How to do this: Any orders with a mix of items that require tracking and tracking optional things will only give you one shipping option ($4.50 USD domestic/$13-17 USD International) and those are insured by default. If you order only flat things (stickers and prints) or only non-flat items (enamel pins), you'll be given a choice of untracked, tracked, or tracked with insurance, By placing an order with UNTRACKED or TRACKED (no insurance) you understand and accept the risk it could get lost. If your mail is lost and you paid for tracking with insurance, then contact me ASAP I can file a claim for you to receive a refund. 

If you think something is lost I would not be concerned until two months have passed (4-6 for international customers) as with the pandemic, supply shortage, trucker shortage, USPS is especially slow. 

If your order was tracked and:

  • The tracking still says USPS awaiting item:
    • Since I'm mailing orders every few days, it's possible I've printed the label to pack your order, and just haven't mailed it yet!
    • It's also possible that USPS received it, and isn't scanning it for whatever reason, which does happen sometimes. I would recommend keeping an eye on the tracking because it could be scanned later down the line- but it also might show up having not been scanned at all.
    • It's also possible that USPS has lost the mail. As far as I know there isn't much that can be done in this situation- there are lost mail forms you can try, or try to get in touch with your local post office about it, if you didn't choose a shipping with insurance.
  • The tracking says it was delivered but I don't have it
    • Sometimes they mark it as delivered a day or two before it should be! Keep an eye out, and it will likely turn up in a day or two
    • It's also possible they delivered it in a strange place, it might be unlikely but it still wouldn't hurt to check any place you've had mail show up before (mailbox, front door, driveway, etc.)
    • If a few days pass and you still don't have it, go to your local post office! If it wasn't delivered, it's likely in their possession and they can help you out. I have zero control over what your delivery person does, so if this happens they can help you more than I can. 
    • I have also had customers pick up their mail and place it somewhere and keep stacking mail on it forgetting about it until they sort through it a couple weeks later. So talk to any household person that may collect mail for you or go through your mail pile (I know we all have one)!

If your order was untracked and it's been over two to six months:

  • It's very possible that your address was incorrect, in which case it might be returned back to me. If that's the case, I'll resend it for you if you pay for shipping again. If it doesn't return back to me, you'll have to reorder it unfortunately. A LOT of people input their address wrong so this is usually the cause of issue.
  • If that ISN'T the case, while it could show up eventually, it's likely that USPS has lost your mail. In that case, I unfortunately cannot offer a replacement/refund as mentioned above.


    I am currently only shipping sticker mail to Australia and New Zealand because international package shipping has been suspended there. Also if you would like to purchase to the UK & EU, go to my Etsy to make a purchase!

    I ship to almost every single country but please email me if you do not see your country available for shipping!

    If you do not see your country on here, please check the USPS Website to see if your country has any shipping restrictions. If not, feel free to email me and I'll add it to the list!